15 days in a row of eating healthy-ish and under my calorie goal of 1650. By healthy-ish, I mean no bad food like fast food or junk food and trying to eat less processed food, more veggies and fruit, and avoid salt. 

When I started this 15 days ago I never expected to go this long, I didn't even have a goal in mind. I just treated it the same as when I quit smoking, with an absolutely no cheating policy. I had to quit eating bad stuff cold turkey, and take the concepts of rewarding and cheating out of my vocabulary. That was the only fore-planning and thought that went into it. So far so good.

I'm going to an Easter potluck on Good Friday. I haven't decided yet if I will allow anything extra. It's the only thing standing between me and 30 days.

I added a new 2013 goal :)

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