Oh my gosh... today is day 30!!
That means I will have to take my weight and other measurements tomorrow. I don't think I lost as much as I'd hoped, who knows, maybe some of the other stats have changed in a good way. Anyway, I'm not going to stop now.

Looking back over the past 30 days, the one thing that sticks out is I rarely went more than 2 great days in a row. By great I mean I ate well AND worked out. Typically I would do 2 days and then have some excuse to not eat well or work out by the 3rd. I believe I may have had one good week where I went 5 days in a row, but I wasn't as consistent as I wanted to be.

Currently I am on a 2 day run. Yesterday was an amazing day. I played squash for 90 minutes and ate well. I avoided the urge to eat crap after squash which I have succumbed to so many times before. Today was also good. Ate decent and and had a decent workout at the gym. My work outs are a bit repetitive so I wont go into the details. 

Confession: I HATE GOING TO THE GYM. I really, really, really don't like it. However, once I get to the gym I am happy as a pig in sh-- well, you get the picture. It would be nice to have some equipment at home, but I don't have the space. And it's expensive.

Yesterday after squash (lost 4 games to 3. Was down 3 games to 1 and pushed the 7th game to tiebreaker.... close), while I was cooling off I watched a couple of older guys playing. By older, one of them looked to be in the mid 50's and the other was likely pushing 70. And as I watched them, a realization dawned on me. I suck. Not for lack of effort, because I will run all over the place, and rarely give up on a shot. Yet in regard to the mechanics of the game, the preferred motions of the racket swing and footwork - I'm like a Viking would be at Buckingham Palace: ill-mannered, brutish, brash and generally socially unacceptable. Yeah, I got heart, but I need to refine my game. I have more opportunities to play squash in a week than I can take advantage of, so I cant really practice on my own. My plan is to practice in-game. I will have to forget about winning, forget about making the most amazing (but technically unsound) shots, forget about the competition. Yikes, now that I say that, eeesh. I may have to think about this more haha. As for the game I watched, the mid 50's dude was one of the best players I've seen. There seems to be no shortage of awesome players where I go. A girl I watch sometimes was (or is) on the Provincial (or National) team. She's amazing. Hmmm, maybe that's the ticket - watch more people play, visualize myself making some of the same moves and shots, and bring it into my game. 
50's guy also has a few cute tricks to pickup the ball I've never seen before. Might work good for the game within a game: mind games.

I have a new heart rate monitor which has a few more features than the old one... now to figure out what they are. It was a gift from a friend :) 
Lastly, FRUIT. Is too much fruit a bad thing? I know fruit has sugar, but I read about how it's GOOD sugar. Does that mean I can eat 3 oranges, 2 bananas and 5 apples in a day? I really don't know. Yeah sure I Googled it but I find the results may vary.

Okay, that's enough for today. Tomorrow should be a good day as I am back on the courts. TTYL.

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