At 6:50 pm my kid asked for money for McDonald's and I was instantly overcome with an insatiable desire to place a bacon double cheeseburger into my mouth, chew, pause, chew again, savour, chew... and it goes on like that for a minute. Whoa, I have a real problem with food. 

On the one hand I had just purchased dinner, two 6 inch subs from Subway. On the other, I was in my car, a mere 2 blocks from McDonalds, armed with enough local currency to seal the deal. In other words, locked and loaded.

I needed help. It suddenly occurred to me that I was like someone in AA. I needed to pick up the phone and reach out to my sponsor. But who? That was easy. I resisted the evil part of my brain that tried to stop me, pulled out my phone... and hammered out a text to my hoped savior.  Would she be there in my moment of extreme need? Thankfully, she was!
In the end I didn't go to McDonald's. I went home and ate my subs. No lettuce on them either.

Little thing: When I got home I ran up the stairs, and noticed I was less out of breath than a few days prior. 

In other news, guess who just signed up for Mud Hero? Me! And this time I'm really going to do it! (I signed up last year, went, but didn't run it. I babysat my goddaughter instead. Although that was fun, I felt horrible inside, as I had let myself down. I have the t-shirt but it's a hollow reminder of what I didn't accomplish. So silly, because I could have walked and ran. Oh well)
12/3/2012 12:19:02 pm

You know you will do it this year. And no worries, I want you to contact me when you need the help!


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