I have a confession. Last night at 11:00 pm I suddenly and without warning ate the rest of the chips and dip. Then I slammed about 8 pickles and 200 grams of cheese and 2 boiled eggs. 

Unequivocally, the chip idea was an enormousness, hippopotamus-sized bucket slathered with FAIL. I woke up today very disappointed in myself. Working out everyday isn't fun, and there is no point to do it if I am going to not get something out of it. 

I forgot the brush-your-teeth rule to reduce the urge to eat.

Today was cool. I cooked up some more SCO (steel cut oats) so I had a nice breakfast. Yum. Then I had the big salad for lunch with chicken and egg and peppers and mushrooms and lettuce-- 

Lettuce. My whole life I have adored salad, but very recently I have not enjoyed it as much, and I think it's the lettuce. I may have fallen out of love with lettuce. Is that even possible? I don't have any other examples in my life. There are certainly foods I've grown bored of... but never developed a dislike for something. Weird. 

After work it was to the squash court! We only had an hour but we played some tight sets. My new serves "served" me well, and I nailed a few points off of them. I won the best of 5 match 3-2. The practice paid off. :)

It's 7:30 and I've eaten all my calories for the day. This is earlier than usual, so I will have to use steel cut iron willpower to not bad-snack tonight. I got this. 
Wayne Lowenberg
11/28/2012 11:13:51 am

You are on an interesting journey. But your hard work and will power is paying off.

11/28/2012 12:12:32 pm

Thank you papa

11/28/2012 10:52:03 pm

I couldn't agree more with your dad. It might be an up and down battle but in the end you choose who wins and I have known you as my bestfriend forever now, you can do it! You are a strong amazing person xox


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