That bag of leftover salt & vinegar chips. Yeah, I'm going to leave that in my room. Seeing it and resisting is better than letting my subconscious run wild while I am not paying attention. 

Some people who quit smoking have done the same thing. Rather than throw away, give away, or flush the extra smokes down the toilet on Quit Day, they leave the pack somewhere very accessible and they don't touch it. I remember the first time someone told me they did that, and I thought it was an impossible idea. I didn't get the power of it. But I love it - I'm not going to go and buy chips at the store when I have them in my room.  I hope I'm not fooling myself.

For dinner we had chicken fajitas. Unfortunately they don't have a healthier version of the fajita kit here in Canmore, so I only put half of the powder in and went easy on the sauce. That should help with the sodium.
Not the best picture as it was steaming something fierce.

In a few minutes I will go to the gym. Tonight I ate before the gym, and I heard it's good to wait an hour after eating before working out. Last night I ate after the gym and that pushed dinner to 9 pm. I don't like eating that late, and more so I don't like to be rushed at the gym. I like to take my time. Yes, I am that guy that wanders around. I try not to be the guy always looking at himself in the mirror, but there are a lot of mirrors! 

Work out music. I get bored of music really quickly. And I haven't really figured out what sort of music I enjoy the most at the gym... it changes day by day. Sometimes I like Adele and other times it's Atreyu. Tonight I'm going to try a workout house mix I downloaded on my Zune pass. What music do you enjoy listening too while working out? 

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