Today began much like last week ended. I had fruit, Beachbody shake... and another work lunch. Seriously, these things are gonna kill me.

This time I said F the salad, and ordered a tuna wrap thing. It sounded much healthier on the menu that it looked in person. Still, I managed to get a green salad and balsamic instead of fries or a caesar salad. 

During lunch, after the business at hand was done, two people started to talk about riding. My boss has started Computrainer indoor racing at Ascent. Recently I've heard him talk about it several times, and I've always been interested. Then the person we were meeting with was talking about riding his bike on the Legacy Trail in the winter. And I was like "say whaaaat?" Yeah, being an avid rider I guess he spikes his tires and doesn't stop when the snow blankets the frozen ground. Freaking awesome.

I realized this talk of cycling was making me excited, and then I remembered I have goals for next year, including riding in a mountain bike race. I cant do that unless I train and seriously reduce my body mass.

I realize that 3 weeks into this challenge, I'd completely lost sight of why I was doing it. I was going through the motions, and not even well. Tonight I weighed myself and I've put on 4 lbs. My goals weren't focused enough. I am going to start a page and write them down as I think of them.

Tonight I am proud to say I am back on track. I had a great workout at the gym, where I focused more on cycling (I LOVE IT) and less on running (I HATE IT). I taught myself to relax my body while I'm riding and not be so stiff. 

I had a healthy dinner and no bad snacks. There are some chips leftover from last night but the thought of them makes me wanna puke. 

Well.... it's day 22. Only a week left. Here's to a new beginning today.

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