The plan was to work out in the morning before going to Calgary to watch the Grey Cup. I knew I'd be having beers and eating bar food. A nice 45 minute workout in the morning and I'd at least balance out the day.

Nope. The binge from the night before had pushed me completely off track. The part of me that wants to be fit and healthy was no longer communicating with the part of me that walks and looks and orders and grabs and eats and repeats. 

I had a bacon cheeseburger and fries. A bloody caesar and 2 beers. Although I resisted the offer to share a plate of cheese-slathered nachos while at the bar, when I got home I bought a big bag of salt & vinegar chips and french onion dip, and ate them in bed until I felt ill.

This blog should be renamed: I Tried To Fight Food. FAIL!

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